
The Eitz Chaim Teaching Faculty

The beit midrash EITZ CHAIM faculty is blessed and honored to have two different generations of rabbis who will be contributing their wealth of experience to the Portland Jewish community.  Rabbi Emanuel Rose, with over 50 years of experience, shares his extensive theological and textual knowledge from his illustrious career.  He brings depth and historical perspective to a multitude of religious, rabbinic and liturgical issues.  Rabbi Kim L. Rosen, founder of beit midrash EITZ CHAIM, shares her substantive scholarship, distinctive style and pastoral counseling skills.  Together – as rabbis, colleagues and friends – they will provide a unique perspective, depth of experience, and steadfast dedication not available in many other communities.  Beit midrash EITZ CHAIM is proud to offer this diverse and talented twosome to the community to enrich its members with the blessings of our tradition so that we all learn and grow together.

Rabbi Emanuel Rose z"l  is Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Beth Israel where he served as Senior Rabbi for over 46 years.  He came to Beth Israel in 1960 from Temple Emanu-El in New York.  He has been a prominent voice in Portland civic affairs since his arrival.  Rabbi Rose is highly regarded nationally for his consistent and perspective leadership, his emphasis on social activism and the pivotal role he has played in the growth and emergence of Portland’s Jewish community over the last 50 years.  He was featured in the award-winning OPB production of “The Three Rabbis.”  He currently serves as a Visiting Professor at Portland State University in the Harold Schnitzer Family Program in Judaic Studies.  Rabbi Rose is both a locally and nationally featured speaker and author, cited in various publications.  Rabbi Rose is a graduate of Hebrew Union College, B.H.L., M.A.H.L., D.H.L., with an Honorary D.D. from HUC-JIR and an L.H.D. from Lewis and Clark College.

Rabbi Kim L. Rosen,  founder of beit midrash EITZ CHAIM, earned her M.A.H.L. from HUC-JIR/New York.  She received her M.A. and her B.A. from New York University.  Rabbi Rosen spent two summers as the rabbinic intern at Congregation Beth Israel in Portland, Oregon, followed by four years at Congregation Beth Israel as Assistant and then Associate Rabbi.  Rabbi Rosen’s expertise is in the history of anti-Jewish sentiment and has spoken extensively on this subject.  She served as President of the Oregon Board of Rabbis and currently works in an advisory capacity with several organizations, including Compassion and Choices of Oregon.  Rabbi Rosen splits her time between Jerusalem, New York and Portland.

Mr. Yossi Hazroni is a graduate of Yeshiva haKotel in Jerusalem.   His background includes work with the Israeli Ministry of Defense developing strategic initiatives, defense analysis and specialist training programs.  Currently his focus is on International Humanitarian Law to educate the public and influence international policy making.  Mr. Hazroni, living in Israel, is an expert advisor to beit midrash EITZ CHAIM in both halacha and politics.

Contact us at info@eitzchaimpdx.org               917.993.9692       

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OCTOBER 7 2023



  Oregon Board of Rabbis

The Oregon Board of Rabbis is an organization supporting the rabbis of Oregon and Southwest Washington in their work on behalf of the greater Jewish community. We are comprised of rabbis ordained from across the spectrum of Jewish life and observance. Our members serve in synagogues, communal organizations and elsewhere throughout the community. We are committed to K’lal Yisrael, the unity of the Jewish people, and seek to enrich Jewish lives and communities spiritually and educationally.

